Preparing for your day in Court

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By Watkins Tapsell.

So, you need to attend Court with your solicitor. How should you prepare? What should you know?

Preparation is the key to running any Court case. I tell my clients give me all the documents relating to their matter… We can only advise on what we know!

If you don’t tell us everything the advice you will receive will not be accurate. Generally, we provide you with an advice on the evidence and the law prior to commencing proceedings in Court. It is important this is based on all the facts.
We can only protect you in civil matters if we know everything!

To avoid your solicitor being put on the spot in Court, be sure to provide them with all documents, even those you think may not be that important. You want to avoid a situation where the opposing party produce a critical document that you actually have at home and have forgotten to give to your solicitor.

Court can be a stressful place and it can also be very emotionally draining. If you think you may have difficulty attending Court you should ask a support person to come along with you, such as a family member or close friend.

When giving evidence in Court you need to do the following:-

• Listen to the question being asked carefully

• Answer the question being asked

• Do not volunteer information

• Do not ramble

• Stay calm and focused

• Speak clearly and concisely

• If you do not understand a question ask that it be repeated or explained to you

• Review your statement prior to the day. If it is incorrect you should immediately advise your solicitor

Although the Courts are trying to use plain English it can be confusing and at times overwhelming. It is in the Courts best interest that you understand everything that is being said to you, so always ask questions if something does not make sense.

If you have any questions concerning your case ask your solicitor. It is important that you understand the issues in your case.

All in all, a day in Court need not be an overly stressful one if you are properly prepared and understand what is required of you. Ultimately, your preparation will be appreciated by your solicitor and the Court.

For further information, contact the Commercial Litigation Team

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