Voluntary Wage Audits

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By Tiana Daly.

When we speak to Employers and business owners about their employment processes, the most common response we have is that “we want to do the right thing by our staff, but we are just not sure we are complying”.

An easy way to protect yourself from the risk of failing an audit from The Fair Work Ombudsman or the ATO is to have voluntary wage audits conducted.

These voluntary audits check all the industrial instruments, such as awards, agreements and the National Employment Standards, and your compliance with them. It ensures all your documentation is accurate, that it reflects your agreement with your employees, and that you are providing your employees with the correct entitlements.

Regular audits and compliance is good business practice to prevent fines and being hit with a claim for long standing underpayments for your staff or alternatively, over paying staff. It may even result in cost savings to your business by paying staff correctly.

The ATO has announced that its current areas of concern, regarding non compliance, are the hospitality and real estate industries, hairdressers and beauticians, the building industry, freight and mechanics.

If you have any questions in relation to undertaking a voluntary audit, or other areas of workplace compliance, please contact.our Workplace Law Team

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