Reminder: Changes To Sexual Harassment Legislation

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By Sonja Daly.

Following changes made to the Sexual Harassment Legislation, Australian employees are now better protected from sexual harassment from their colleagues in an attempt to make the workplace more safe. For a detailed summary of the changes made to the legislation, please refer to our previous blog titled Changes To Sexual Harassment Legislation.

As a result of the changes, Employers should review their workplace policies to ensure that they have sexual harassment policies in place and that their employment agreements include up to date legislative changes. Employers should also ensure that their staff are provided with adequate training in respect of their sexual harassment policies to ensure that clear procedures are in place. Employers should take all employee complaints of sexual harassment seriously to ensure they are protecting the safety of their employees and to reduce the risk of being held vicariously liable if such incidents arise during the course of an employee’s employment. 

If you are an employer and require a review of your workplace policies and procedures to ensure that they reflect the changes to the sexual harassment legislation, Watkins Tapsell’s employment law team can assist you to update your documents and implement those documents into your workplace so that your employees are aware of their obligations and rights. 

If you are an employee who requires advice in relation to your treatment in the workplace, the employment team at Watkins Tapsell is also able to assist you. We understand that such matters can be sensitive in nature. However, at Watkins Tapsell we have an experienced team in employment law to ensure that all matters are dealt with the highest level of care and confidentiality.

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